The use of mounding and bare-rooted transplants requires that plants are manually planted. This work is usually carried out using a narrow spade or mattock. Mechanised planting of containerised stock is possible using a special head on the mounding machine but, as containerised plants only account for a small proportion of the annual planting programme, it is not widely practiced.
There are three basic methods commonly used to manually plant forest trees:
- Slit planting – most common method where the slit is made with the spade or mattock and the transplant is inserted into the ground and the slit closed with the heel of the foot and the plant firmed.
- Angle-notch or T-notch planting – similar to slit planting except that two slits are made, either in the shape of – a right angle or a T, and the soil is then levered up. The plants are inserted into the hole created and again the plant is firmed.
- Pit planting – a common method used on flat or uncultivated ground where a small pit is dug and the plant inserted into the hole and the loose soil back filled and firmed.
Research has shown that poor planting can affect the survival, growth and wind stability of trees. Poorly planted trees, particularly lodgeple pine and Douglas fir, can suffer from windthrow if their root systems are badly distorted during planting. Fast growing broadleaves such as ash can also suffer a similar fate. Careful planting is required to ensure that the roots are placed in the planting hole in a way that will allow the tree to develop a radial root system which provides all round support to the stem. Good wind stability is important in Ireland as high winds are a common feature of our climate. Therefore, attention to planting quality is an important aspect of forest establishment as it can have both serious short and long term effects on the success of a plantation.
You must be at least 16 years of age to undertake the training and assessment. Participants should supply own Personal Protective Equipment.
ACCREDITATION – Cosgrove Safety Training Certification Recognised and Accepted Through Out Ireland.
Please feel free to contact us for upcoming course dates and locations